Submit EDR observations
Submit EDR observations to SkyPath. This will allow the system to process and display the EDR turbulence observations as a layer on the map. It will also be included as part of SkyPath OneLayer.
- application/json
Array [
Flight callsign
Flight number
Flight ICAO airline code
Flight IATA airline code
Flight aircraft registration (tail number)
Airline ICAO code
Airline IATA code
Flight departure airport ICAO code
Flight departure airport IATA code
Flight arrival airport ICAO code
Flight arrival airport IATA code
EDR report measurements
EDR latitude, between -90 and 90
EDR longitude, between -180 and 180
EDR altitude in feet, between 1000 and 100000
Air Temperature in celsius, between -99 and 99
EDR mean value, between 0 and 1
EDR observation timestamp
EDR peak value, between 0 and 1
Wind speed in Knots, between 0 and 250
Wind direction in degrees, between 0 and 359
Measurement type, one of HEARTBEAT | THRESHOLD |
- 200
- 400
- 401
EDR was created successfully
Error: Bad Request
Operation is not authorized or wrong API KEY
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Default value: 401
Default value: Unauthorized
"statusCode": 401,
"message": "Unauthorized"