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Version: 2.2

Install SkyPath iOS SDK


SkyPath iOS SDK enables your iOS applications to interact with SkyPath using either the Swift or Objective-C programming languages. This page details how to install SkyPath in your project and get started.


Before getting started, ensure your development environment meets the following prerequisites:

  • Xcode version 15.3 or higher.
  • A target of iOS 14.0 or higher.


The SkyPath iOS SDK is provided as a pre-built .xcframework written in Swift.

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.

  1. Add Package Dependency

    In Xcode, select File > Add Packages...

  2. Specify the Repository

    Copy and paste the following into the search/input box.
  3. Specify Options

    In the options for the skypath-ios-sdk package, we recommend setting the Dependency Rule to Up to Next Major Version, and enter the current SkyPath iOS SDK version. Then, click Add Package.

  4. Choose Package Products

    Select SkyPathSDK, then click Add Package.


Make sure SkyPathSDK is added in "Target Dependencies" and "Link Binary With Libraries" as "Required" under "Build Phases" and in "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content" under "General".

Import SkyPath

Add the following line at the top of your source files to use SkyPath:

import SkyPathSDK

Background Mode

Location will be used while the app is in the background to keep track of and alert to turbulence.

  1. Add Location Updates Background Mode

    Select your project in the Xcode File Navigator. Select your app's target and go to the Signing & Capabilities tab. Press Add Capability and choose Background Modes. Under Background Modes now select Location Updates.

  2. Open Info.plist file of the project and add Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description

<string>Location will be used to accurately report and get notified on turbulence ahead</string>

App Download File Size

SkyPathSDK adds around 10 MB to your app's download size.

The releases we distribute are significantly larger because they include support for the iOS simulator which is stripped by the App Store automatically when apps are downloaded.